LoHacemos - Reclamamos por ti

by Globalcol



Do you have problems with your flight? Did you have lost your luggage or you have the spoiled? Have you run out of space by overbooking? Is there ground clause in your mortgage? Your bank is charging you fees with which you do not agree? Have you made payments on account to buy your home and works are being delayed or have been stops? Have you paid all the expenses of your mortgage?Have you been included in a file of unpaid debts? Are they using your personal data and you disagree?It may be entitled to compensation.We are a team of experts in pre-trial and legal claims, we want to help.We offer this application so that you can claim.We want to be your app for your claimsTell us in contact forms what happened to you, we will study it and we will give our opinion.If we agree to demand, we will do for you.Just we charge you if you win!